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 One of the most common complained we see is back pain, and to be more specific mid to lower back pain. This can be due to many reasons but more often than none is due to lifestyle factors such as poor posture, sedentary lifestyle and high stress.


Due to the nature of most days, spending long periods stuck at a desk or sitting with work, driving and even when we relax. Particularly since working from home has become so common we often forget how little we are moving through the day, and how long we spend in the same repetitive poor seating position. Out bodies are designed to move regularly in all directions - and when we put a halt to this the spine struggles to adapt when we do try to load the joints after long periods of inactivity. This can then cause the ligaments, joints and muscles surrounding the vertebrae to weaken - further leading to eventually constant nagging back pain.

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Being told you have a Sciatica or a herniated disc ( also referred to as a bulging disc or slipped disc) can often leave people feeling confused, scared and worried. More often than not this is something we are able to manage well with chiropractic care, which helps us to get rid of the root cause of the pain rather than masking it with pain killers.


Chiropractic treatment has been proven alleviate muscles spasms, spinal restrictions using light movements to move the bulging or herniated disc from the nerves, promote fluid circulation to keep the intervertebral disc healthy.


Back pain as well as being a physical pain is also multifactorial meaning that other factors come into play such as emotional and chemical contributing factors. As we discuss through your initial consultation this will allow to to determine which of these contribute to your pain and how we can best tailor your treatment plan specifically to you.


​We are all individual and everyone bulging disc, sciatic pain or lower back pain is specific to them - and although sometimes your symptoms may present similar to other around you… or even as ‘google has described’ upon your initial consultation this will allow to to diagnose your pain and create your bespoke treatment and management plan.

Neck Treatment

We have all at some point heard and if not used the phrase ‘ a pain in the neck’ and it is no doubt this has been derived from what is commonly felt as something awfully uncomfortable and difficult to manage - as there are few positions that allow us to fully relax our neck.

There are many reasons this can occur weather it be postural related, disc related, excessive driving, working, stress or not being able to find the right pillow…the list goes on but most commonly we see patients who have had their head glued to their phone or laptop putting an abnormal load or stress through the muscles and joints, leading to an inevitable pain in the neck.


Pins and needles and tingling radiating into the arm can also commonly be a result of a restriction or compression through the nerve roots in the spinal column of the neck.


Chiropractic care specialises in safely improving the mobility through the neck and restoring range of motion using a range of techniques. It can also increase the movement of the adjoining muscles. Patients usually instantly notice an improved ability to turn and tilt the head, and a reduction of pain soreness and stiffness.


​At the reform hub we will help to diagnose the root cause of your neck pain and create a bespoke treatment plan to get your neck moving freely and restore your optimal range of motion.


Headaches and migraines are a common complaint that we treat. A lot of the time people will come in with another complaint and we discover during a consultation headaches are something people feel that this is something ‘normal’. However it is not normal to experience regular headaches - it is your body’s way of telling you that something is not right.


There are many different types of headaches we see at the reform hub - before we create your treatment plan it is important for us to diagnose which type of headache you are suffering with, and what is causing this to allow us to effectively manage your headache and establish how you can best prevent them from reoccurring.


Depending on the type of severity and type of headache your chiropractor has diagnosed you with this will effect how we treat it, each individual responds differently to treatment for headaches because most of the time there is a combination of factors contributing to the cause of headache which is why your chiropractor will balance your management plan depending on your contributing factors - weather that be stress management, loss of sleep, nutritional imbalances or mechanical dysfunction.

Shoulder Treatment

Shoulder pain is in our top 3 most common complaints at the reform hub. This is most commonly occurred from postural imbalance or repetitive strain injuries weather that be from the gym or being hunched over a desk all day.


The shoulder girdle is  one of the bodies most complex joints  as it has such a wide range of motion can move in all planes of direction it can be easily injured as we use our shoulders a lot. It is composed of 3 different joints and often patients complain of feeling a pinching, compressive type of pain through the top of the shoulder which usually involves the acromio-clavicular joint which sits on the top of our shoulders.


Here at the reform hub we most commonly see shoulder conditions including the following:


  • Subluxations AC joint

  • Arthritis

  • Tendonitis

  • Bursitis

  • Rotator Cuff Tears

  • Rotator cuff sprains

  • Frozen Shoulder


We undestand that having dysfunction in the shoulder can be extremely annoying as it can effect trivial movements as simple as opening a door, or brushing your teeth. Our chiropractors at the reform hub will always emphasis the importance of rehabilitation exercises on the shoulders once the function and range of motion is restored to prevent us from stopping doing the things we love. 


Often patients will ask if we treat elbows and wrists, and chiropractors are fully trained to understand the mechanics of the entire body which means all the way to your pinky finger we can assess and diagnose and create a treatment plan to help relieve you from pain.


Some of the most common conditions we see through the elbow are lateral epicondylitis and medial epicondylitis - more commonly known as tennis elbow or golfer elbow. However you don’t just have to okay these sports to conduct this injury. These are both injuries which occur with repetitive strain through either the extensor or flexor muscles in the forearm. Anything which involves us moving through the elbow from typing to boxing or excessive cleaning & housework or even stress can build up the irritation through these muscles, and weaken grip strength in the hands.


Often with nerve irritation we may also be presented with tingling or pins and needles sensation through the arms or hand. This could be due to multiple causes potentially coming from a nerve root entrapment in the neck or through our carpal tunnel. On your initial consultation with your chiropractor at The Reform Hub they will conduct a case history and physical examination to diagnose you and get you feeling pain free again soon.


​Your chiropractor can treat your wrist and elbow conditions using a combination of techniques which are appropriate to your diagnosis.



Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

They’re is a huge range of conditions we see involving the hip and knee. This can range from sporting injuries to wear and tear through the joints.

Often patients present a little confused as to where the root of their pain is coming from especially when it comes to the hip and the knee. Its common for joints to click and pop and more often than not this can be normal and nothing to worry about but having sharp catching pains with moving up or down stairs is usually an indicter that the tissues surrounding those joints have become more sensitive or are tightens up to protect the joint for a further underlying reason,

On your initial consultation your chiropractor will take a detailed case history and perform the appropriate orthopaedic and neurological assessment to help diagnose your problem. It is common we help to manage a lot of hip and knee conditions with a combined rehab plan to help encourage you to strengthen the joint and be able to live comfortably and enjoy life to its fullest.


  • Some of the most common conditions we see with hips are:

  • Groin strain

  • Piriformis Syndrome

  • Hip Bursitis

  • Hamstring Strain

  • Snapping hip syndrome

  • more

  • ​

Some of the most common conditions we see for the knees are: 

  • Ligament Sprains and tears 

  • Chondramalacia patella 

  • ITB Tendionopathy 

  • Knee Bursitis 

  • Jumpers/ Runners Knee 

  • Patella Tendonitis 

  • + more 


One of the most common things we find with foot and ankle pain is often - you did’t know you even had it. A lot of the time an old ankle sprain, or nagging foot pain can be adapted by changing the easy we walk. When our heel strikes the ground it is the first point of impact for the body with walking as we move around through the day. If there is a dysfunction through here it can often lead to secondary injure through the knee, hip or lower back.


Despite the Achilles tendon being the bodies largest and strongest tendons it is one of the most susceptible to injury, and one of the most common ankle injuries we treat, along side ankle sprain particularly from falls and sports.''


Some of the other most common foot and ankle conditions we can help you with include: calf strain, plantar fasciitis and shin splints. Book an initial consultation to see how we can help you with your foot and ankle pain.

Ankle Measurement
Neck Massage

A whiplash injury occurs when your neck is suddenly ‘whipped’ back and forth - this doesn’t necessarily have to be from a road traffic accident but can occur with any quick movement through the neck such as a trip, fall .

After a whiplash injury your may immediately not feel any difference but a few weeks or days later the symptoms can appear and they can begin to progress if not correctly addressed.

Common symtoms which can occur alongside a whiplash injury include, neck pain, stiffness, headaches and pain radiating into he muscles in the shoulders and arms.


At The Reform Hub your chiropractor can safely help you recover from your whiplash injury, and restore the spinal function. Often during a whiplash injury the muscles and ligaments which support the spine become overstretched or sometime torn, which is why most of the time we will ensure we take you through the appropriate rehabilitation eexercies to prevent any of the pain from resurfacing.


Prenatal Care

Our chiropractor at The Reform Hub have gone onto post-graduate training to work further alongside prenatal mothers, babies and children.


It is a private to treat a number of pregnant mothers and help them through the wonderful process of pregnancy. Naturally during pregnancy the body is going through constant changes with joints being loaded with different pressure, postural, movement and sleep changes to name a few.

As mother and baby grown together it is vital that the hips and spine are aligned to prepare for the most comfortable birth process, and allow baby to feel as comfortable as possible as they grow.


We Often see pregnant women with lower back pain, pelvic pain, neck pain, leg, foot and ankle pain, pubic symphysis  and chest pain.


Often mothers can be hesitant to take medication during pregnancy as there is limited drugs that can provide pain relief. Your chiropractor at The Reform Hub can help you safely  through all stages of your pregnancy. Treatment is very gentle and our chiropractic will use specific techniques to help relieve pain and discomfort during pregnancy as well as encourage an easy delivery. Everybody’s pregnancy is different and upon your initial consultation your chiropractor will help to create a treatment plan to aid you the most comfortable and efficient way possible through your pregnancy.


If you are thinking or preparing to have a baby let your chiropractor know and they can asses and create a tailored rehab plan to help strengthen the pelvic floor and hips to give you maximum functionality during pregnancy and birth.


For newborns, toddlers, children to teens…we welcome babies, and children of all ages at The Reform Hub. Our chiropractors are fully trained and expeircnes in treating your little ones. Treatment consists of gentle spinal, cranial and visceral peaditraic techniques. Your chiropractor will explain the treatment and talk you through the process and your Childs treatment plan. Children are often very responsive to our gentle approach to treatment and we often see a rapid healing response with treatment.


For children and babies in their younger years your chiropractor will take your through a thorough history of your baby including factors such as maternal history, labour, feeding habits, sleeping habits and developmental milestones and family history as these are just some of the biggest factors that can influence your Childs health.


Parenting newborns and infants can be challenging and to say the least stressful… as often days may not pan out as expected. With your appointment with infants we will always allow some time for feeding and changing.


Some of the most common factors that we see infants for include: colic, difficulty feeding, sleeping, head rotation, gait muscle weakness and fatigue.


Here at the reform hub we take an extra special interest in sports injuries as we know how vital it is to getting back as swiftly and comfortable as possible to be doing what you love the most.

Its no doubt when doing excessive or repetitive movements we can occur. We all want our bodies to be working with us and not against us, which is always most appropriate when looking at sports injuries.

We have worked alongside many professional and competitive athletes from boxers, footballers, Olympia bodybuilders all way through to weekend warriors and avid golfers.


At the Reform Hub our treatments are programmed around getting the body to perform and function at its highest level possible, and your treatment plan will be designed to help the management and prevention of injuries not only this but to then further help optimise performance.


Performance Optimisation


It is no doubt that exercising and training should be a part of healthy and increasing our bodies resilience to injury, which is true as strenghtened muscle groups can help us to prevent future injuries. However, strong muscles doesn’t always mean functional muscles. If there is a misalignment, or poor mind-muscle connection it can effect the way we perform. It is important there is minimal restriction in the body’s natural planes of movement. Your chiropractic treatment will help your muscles to function at their strongest. Our muscles receive information via the bodies nervous system, which controls how we move and contract or relax our muscles. If this pathway is faulty due to poor joint alignment or limited movement our brain can register this as a movement threat an cause of pain signal rather than what we had intended.


​Your chiropractor at The Reform Hub is fully trained and on hand to help you maximise and achieve your goals. On your initial consultation they Weill take th time to understand which planes of motion we need to maximise and strengthen and to help increase mobility in any weaker areas.


We all want our bodies to be working at their best along side us living our life to its best, and this is where chiropractic care can help us massively in our general health and wellbeing management.  Managing stress is a huge factor for most of us in date to day life, which falls commonly into one of 3 stress categories. Physical stress this inslcudes accidents, trauma, inactivity, overtraining and poor posture). Emotional Stress ( anxiety, depression, mood related, work and life balance stress). Chemical stress ( nutriotnal imbalances, use of toxins such as drugs or alcool, hormone imbalances)


Your chiropractor plan at The Reform Hub will take into consideration all of these factors which may mean your plan may include treatment, massage, yoga, breathing practice, nutritional advice, exercise coaching or lifestyle changes to help you find the perfect balance to feel good.


Here are just some of the things regular chiropractic care can help with:


  • print harmful injuries

  • Reduce chronic or acute pain

  • Reduced stress, depression & anxiety

  • Improve mobility and balance]

  • Enhances flexibility

  • Boost immunity to disease

  • Increased bodily awareness

  • Improved sleep and lifestyle habits. 

Bridge Pose
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